I’ve been off an on the dieting bandwagon for as long as I can remember, and rarely have I succeeded at sustainable results.

The buzzword ‘Keto’ caught my fancy quite a few months ago, and I could see the radically positive change it was having on quite a few people in my circle. I was intrigued, yet all the jargon around macros had me in limbo.

A casual chat over a work lunch with my colleague Rasha got us started. We are both Keto newbies and decided to start this journey together.

Cracked wheat comes in various forms. Bulghur (or Burghul) is the most popularly used variant in Middle eastern cooking. Bulghar is essentially parboiled whole grain wheat, and the Indian variation is called Dalia.

Dalia is very similar to Bulghur, but I find it to be far softer in texture. Bulghur is used for all courses of the day, whereas in India, dalia is predominantly a breakfast staple.

This is not to be confused with Couscous. Unlike bulgur, couscous is not whole grain, and comes from a husked and crushed wheat called semolina. Couscous was originally made from millet, not wheat.

Coming back to Dalia, I love the versatility of this grain. You can replace it with Bulghur when not available, but do keep in mind that bulghur is more al dente.

My father, God bless his soul, was an advocate of Apple Cider Vinegar and would have a spoonful blended in his first glass of water every morning he woke. Many may detest the taste, but I have a love for sourness, and happily inherited this healthful habit.

Are you swigging Apple Cider Vinegar? If not, you might be missing out. Read on for more.


Last week I was sent this wee parcel, and got especially excited to see that it has been sent all the way from New Zealand. I felt a pang of homesickness as I haven’t been back in over a year.

New Zealand has to be the most pristine, naturally beautiful country in the world (but as a Kiwi myself, ofcourse I’m biased!). It is therefore very exciting to get introduced to Antipodes, a natural beauty brand based on organic ingredients derived from New Zealand.

Antipodes is a genuine ‘green beauty’ brand that is proudly conceptualized and created in New Zealand. Certified vegetarian, Antipodes is designed for eco-conscious world citizens. Click here for more information on the Antipodes brand ethos.

For centuries, women have been turning to nature for reliable beauty rituals, ones enriched with the power of natural ingredients that have only recently been hyped by marketing gurus in the beauty industry. DSC_4981

I for one love to experiment with churning up my own recipes. At other times, I explore the shelves of commercial counters. But then I discovered Green Chic, a UAE-based online shopping site that does the homework for you… the site curates interesting natural beauty brands in one place, all affordably priced and delivered all across the UAE.

But why turn to natural beauty products? What’s new in the market? And what makes GreenChicME.com a great site to shop at? Today I introduce you to the very lovely Vila Vasoodaven who gives us an insight on all this and more…

I am super excited to let you know that my blog, The Tezzy Files, got featured in Huffington Post!

The Tezzy Files has been listed under an article entitled “New and upcoming health and fitness websites for you to follow in 2017”. Click here to read the complete article online.

Huffington Post The Tezzy Files Dubai Lifestyle Blog Health Wellness Food Fashion Beauty


Although the majority of my posts deal mainly with the foodie scene of Dubai, and a whole lot of beauty reviews, I have published a number of posts related to health and wellness (click here to see more). Absolutely stoked to be discovered by Huffington Post, thanks a ton for appreciating my work.

Do look out for more Health & Wellness posts on The Tezzy Files.

Much love,


Eating is a part of living, but do you live to eat, or eat to live? Much like an engine that gives its optimal performance when given the highest quality of fuel, our bodies and ultimate lifestyles are very intrinsically linked to the type of food we consume.

Today’s recipe is a guest post by the lovely Nichole Lucas, enthusiastic home chef, mother to a doting 7 year-old and editor of nomealnohealth.com


Nicole loves cooking, and strongly believes in feeding her family the most wholesome dishes she possibly can. Today, she talks about the importance of slow cooking, and shares a very delightful Gluten Free Vegan Crock Pot recipe with us. Do try it out for yourself!

Although we are recommended a total of 8 hours of sleep each night, I’m lucky if I hit 6 on most weeknights. I am definitely not a morning person, but I’ve managed to stow away a few nifty tricks up my sleeves on how to fool the world into believing otherwise. Here’s my top 10:

10 tricks for looking more alive awake refreshed fresh awake in the morning not a morning person bedhead wake up office beauty tricks makeup health The Tezzy Files top Dubai lifestyle beauty blogger UAE.jpg

Health freaks have been drinking gallons of green tea for a while now, but have you heard of green coffee? Green coffee has become quite the buzzword in the world of weight-loss campaigns, yet this gimmick-like stance has a whole lot of scientific backing to go with it… as well as an impressive list of health-enhancing benefits.

I have been sipping on cups of Qafe Green Coffee, an instant green coffee scientifically developed by QNET, a health and wellness conglomerate based in Hong Kong. Read on to learn more about green coffee, and perhaps you would like to give it a go for yourself.


I am a huge advocate for natural beauty, and love whipping up organic products in my very own kitchen. Lately I’ve been absolutely obsessed with coal… activated charcoal to be precise! Charcoal and beauty might seem to be the unlikeliest of BFF’s, but the possibilities of pairing the two are absolutely endless.