Just when technology was fast heading toward the portable route, who would have thought that a 27” monitor could get me this excited?!

Changing times! Living in a pandemic and spending more time than ever before at home means more screen time, which gives me the biggest jolt of mummy-guilt ever. My daughter spends a great deal of time with online learning, not to mention the additional hours of online browsing and play.

Screen time is taking a toll on our eye health, and as a mother, I really worry about the long-term impact it can have on my child. This is why I decided to try out the BenQ GW2480T Eye Care Monitor.

Eating out needn’t be unhealthy. At The Marketplace, Marriott Al Jaddaf the culinary team have created a very special vegan menu for health conscious diners.

Post a very pampering session at Saray Spa on the 7th floor, it only seemed apt that I treat myself to a vegan lunch and give the brand-new menu a try.

Last week I treated myself to some much-needed me time at Marriott Al Jaddaf. Located in a quiet, secluded spot in Downtown Dubai, this 5-star property is minutes away from the city’s main attractions including Burj Khalifa and The Dubai Mall, and the bustling streets of Bur Dubai.

I made an appointment at Saray Spa. Located on the 7th floor of Marriott Al Jadaf, this health and wellness center caters to both men and women and has some amazing deals on offer for this festive season.

I started Week 2 with much enthusiasm after the unprecedented success of Week 1 (I lost 2 kilos in fat, by eating fat! And that too with no rigorous exercise). However, the weight loss has been very slow this week. It’s like my body’s trying to hold on to the good old lard and forcing me to go back to my Nutella smeared bagels.

But with a great deal of willpower and the positive vibes from my Keto buddy Rasha, I kept at it. Not a single gram of carb goes through my mouth unaccounted for. Not a single day does my carb intake exceed 25 grams.

I’ve been off an on the dieting bandwagon for as long as I can remember, and rarely have I succeeded at sustainable results.

The buzzword ‘Keto’ caught my fancy quite a few months ago, and I could see the radically positive change it was having on quite a few people in my circle. I was intrigued, yet all the jargon around macros had me in limbo.

A casual chat over a work lunch with my colleague Rasha got us started. We are both Keto newbies and decided to start this journey together.